lunes, 22 de diciembre de 2008

Scholomance (57-61)

Ya no se encuentra grupo con la expansión "The Burning Crusade".

Upper Blackrock Spire (54-61) (raid 10)

Ya no se encuentra grupo con la expansión "The Burning Crusade".

Lower Blackrock Spire (54-61)

Ya no se encuentra grupo con la expansión "The Burning Crusade".

Dire Maul (52-60)

Ya no se encuentra grupo con la expansión "The Burning Crusade", salvo para las quest de la montura del warlock.

viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2008

Blackrock Depths (49-56)

A) Quests ALIANZA:

1) Stormwind Rendezvous (Dungeon)
1.1) Marshal Windsor (Dungeon) (lvl 48)
1.2) Abandoned Hope (Dungeon) (lvl 48)
1.3) A Crumpled Up Note (Dungeon) (lvl 50)
1.4) A Shred of Hope (Dungeon) (lvl 50)
1.5) Jail Break! (Dungeon) (lvl 50)
1.6) Stormwind Rendezvous (Dungeon) (lvl 50)

2) Hurley Blackbreath (Dungeon)
2.1) Ragnar Thunderbrew (Dungeon) (lvl 50)
2.2) Hurley Blackbreath (Dungeon) (lvl 50)
Hay que conseguir Lost Thunderbrew Recipe, drop de Blackbreath Crony y Hurley Blackbreath (Blackrock Depths).

3) The Good Stuff (Dungeon) (lvl 50)

4) Incendius! (Dungeon)
4.1) Overmaster Pyron (Dungeon) (lvl 48)
4.2) Incendius! (Dungeon) (lvl 48)

5) The Princess's Surprise (Dungeon)
5.1) The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan (lvl 50)
5.2) The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan (lvl 50)
5.3) Kharan Mighthammer (Dungeon) (lvl 50)
5.4) Kharan's Tale (Dungeon) (lvl 51)
5.5) The Bearer of Bad News (Dungeon) (lvl 51)
5.6) The Fate of the Kingdom (Dungeon) (lvl 51)
5.7) The Princess's Surprise (Dungeon) (lvl 53)

B) Quests HORDA:

1) Operation: Death to Angerforge (Dungeon)
1.1) KILL ON SIGHT: Dark Iron Dwarves (Dungeon) (lvl 40)
Empiza en varios carteles WANTED.
1.2) KILL ON SIGHT: High Ranking Dark Iron Officials (Dungeon) (lvl 48)
Empiza en le cartel KILL ON SIGHT en Badlands.
1.3) Grark Lorkrub (Dungeon) (lvl 52)
La da Lexlort en Badlands.
1.4) Precarious Predicament (Dungeon) (lvl 53)
1.5) Operation: Death to Angerforge (Dungeon) (lvl 55)
La da Warlord Goretooth en Badlands.

2) Commander Gor'shak (Dungeon)
2.1) Commander Gor'shak (Dungeon) (lvl 48)
La da Galamav the Marksman en Badlands.
2.2) What Is Going On? (Dungeon) (lvl 49)
2.3) What Is Going On? (Dungeon) (lvl 49)
2.4) The Eastern Kingdoms (Dungeon) (lvl 50)
2.5) The Royal Rescue (Dungeon) (lvl 51)
2.6) The Princess Saved? (Dungeon) (lvl 52)

3) The Last Element (Dungeon) (lvl 48)
Empiza en Shadowmage Vivian Lagrave en Badlands.
Hay que conseguir 10 Essence of the Elements, drop de varios MOBS.

4) Lost Thunderbrew Recipe (Dungeon)
4.1) Vivian Lagrave (Dungeon) (lvl 50)
La da Apothecary Zinge en Undercity.
4.2) Lost Thunderbrew Recipe (Dungeon) (lvl 50)
Hay que conseguir Lost Thunderbrew Recipe, drop de Blackbreath Crony y Hurley Blackbreath (Blackrock Depths).

5) Disharmony of Fire (Dungeon)
5.1) Disharmony of Flame (Dungeon) (lvl 48)
La da Thunderheart en Badlands.
5.2) Disharmony of Fire (Dungeon) (lvl 48)
Hay que conseguir Tablet of Kurniya drop de Lord Incendius.

6) The Rise of the Machines (Dungeon)
6.1) The Rise of the Machines (Dungeon) (lvl 52)
La da Hierophant Theodora Mulvadania en Badlands.
6.2) The Rise of the Machines (lvl 52)
6.3) The Rise of the Machines (Dungeon) (lvl 52)
Hay que conseguir Head of Argelmach drop de Golem Lord Argelmach y 10 Intact Elemental Core drop de varios MOBS.

C) Quests COMUNES:

1) Rocknot's Ale (Dungeon) (lvl 40)
Empieza en Private Rocknot (Blackrock Depths).

2) Dark Iron Legacy (Dungeon)
2.1) Dark Iron Legacy (Dungeon) (lvl 48)
Empieza en Franclorn Forgewright (Blackrock Mountain).
2.2) Dark Iron Legacy (Dungeon) (lvl 48)
Hay que conseguir Ironfel, drop de Fineous Darkvire (Blackrock Depths) y llevarlo a Monument of Franclorn Forgewright (Blackrock Depths).

3) Yuka Screwspigot (Dungeon)
3.1) Yuka Screwspigot (Dungeon) (lvl 48)
Empieza en Yorba Screwspigot en Tanaris.
3.2) Ribbly Screwspigot (Dungeon) (lvl 48)
Hay que conseguir Ribbly Head, drop de Ribbly Screwspigot.

4) The Love Potion (Dungeon) (lvl 50)
Empieza en Mistress Nagmara (Blackrock Depths).

5) The Heart of the Mountain (Dungeon) (lvl 50)
Empieza en Maxwort Uberglint en Burning Steppes.
Hay que conseguir The Heart of the Mountain, que aparece tras matar a Watchman Doomgrip en Black Vault.

6) The Challenge (Dungeon) (lvl 60)
La da Falrin Treeshaper en Dire Maul.

7) Attunement to the Core (Dungeon) (lvl 55)
La da Lothos Riftwaker en (Blackrock Mountain).

8) A Taste of Flame (Dungeon)
8.1) A Taste of Flame (lvl 52)
Empieza en Cyrus Therepentous en Burning Steppes.
8.2) A Taste of Flame (lvl 52)
8.3) A Taste of Flame (Dungeon) (lvl 52)

D) Quests MINERIA:

1) The Spectral Chalice (Dungeon) (lvl 50)

2) A Binding Contract (Dungeon) (lvl 60)

miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2008

Temple of Atal'hakkar (Sunken Temple) (45-52)

A) Quests ALIANZA:

1) Into the Temple of Atal'Hakkar
In Search of the Temple (Group) (lvl 38)
You get this quest from Brohamm Caskbelly in Stormwind's Dwarven District inside a tavern (64,20).
Easy quest, just head to Swamp of Sorrows and get close enough to Sunken Temple. After that, return back to Brohamm Caskbelly.
1.2) To the Hinterlands
Again pretty easy quest, just get to the Hinterlands and talk to Falstad Wildhammer in Dwarven Quater (64,21).
1.3) Gryphon Master Talonaxe
Oh God... Well, this q seems to be really „hard“. Just talk to Gryphon Master Talonaxe.
1.4) Rhapsody Shindigger
The entrance to the location where Rhapsody Shindigger is 22,47. And again, just talk to the guy.
1.5) Rhapsody's Kalimdor Koktail
This quest requires little bit of travelling. First head to Tanaris to get 3x Roc Gizzard, they are located south of Gadgedzan and lvl 43-45. After that head to Ferelas and kill some of those bears they are lvl range 41-50 to get 3x Ironfur Livers. The last item you need is 3x Groddoc Liver and you can get them from apes, lvl around 44. When you will return this quest, he will give you Rhapsody's Tale.
1.6) Rhapsody's Tale
You will recieve Atal'ai Tablet Fragment which you will deliver to Brohamm Cakbelly thus returning to where it all begun. After you will talk to him, he will give you finally Into the Temple of Atal'Hakkar.
1.7) Into the Temple of Atal'Hakkar (lvl 41)
Easy quest, just search for tablets in ruins around Sunken Temple. You do not even have to go to the instance to complete this quest. Then head back and collect your reward.

2) Haze of Evil
2.1) Muigin and Larion
From Muigin in Un'Goro Crater.
2.2) A Visit to Gregan
2.3) Haze of Evil
2.4) Bloodpetal Sprouts

B) Quests HORDA:

1) The Temple of Atal'Hakkar (Dungeon)
1.1) Pool of Tears (lvl 38)
1.2) The Atal'ai Exile (lvl 38)
1.3) Return to Fel'Zerul (lvl 38)
1.4) The Temple of Atal'hakkar (Dungeon) (lvl 38)

2) Zapper Fuel
2.1) Larion and Muigin (lvl 47)
From Larion in Un'Goro Crater.
2.2) Marvon's Workshop (lvl 47)
2.3) Zapper Fuel (Dungeon) (lvl 47)
From Liv Rizzlefix en Ratchet.

C) Quests COMUNES:

1) Jammal'an the Prophet (Dungeon) (lvl 38)
La da Atal'ai Exile en Hinterlands.
Drop (Head of Jammal'an) de Jammal'an the Prophet en The Temple of Atal'Hakkar.

2)The God Hakkar (lvl 43)
2.1)Screecher Spirits = C.5.1) De Zul'Farrak
This first quest is from Yeh'kynia in Tanaris near Steamwheedle Port.
Easy quest, just go to Feralas and use Yeh'kinya's Bramble on any Screecher you kill. They are lvls around 44. If I rember correctly, I found them just south of High Wilderness. Use the Bramble on on death bodies and then talk to the spirit.
2.2)The Prophecy of Mosh'aru (Dungeon) = C.5.2) De Zul'Farrak
This is an elite quest in Zul'Farrak. If you do not feel the urge to do full Zul'Farrak run, just ask some high lvl friends to go with you and kill those two mobs. First one is from Theka the Martyr (he is in a section with bunch of scarabs) and the second one is form Hydromancer Velratha (near the little pool where you summon Gahz'rilla).
2.3)The Ancient Egg (Group) = C.5.3) De Zul'Farrak
This elite quest is pretty tough. I read that some people were able to solo it, but I do not like the idea of dying severat times just to get closer and closer to the Egg itself. It is an option for some of you, or just ask someone to help you with it. Grab the Egg and return back to Yeh'kinya. After this one, she will give you The God Hakkar.
Se puede hacer junto a 4.7) Saving Sharpbeak de Zul'Farrak y 8.2) Mallet of Zul'Farrak de Zul'Farrak.
2.4)The God Hakkar (Dungeon) = C.5.4) De Zul'Farrak
You have to enter the Temple and get to the little room where four flames in corners are. Use the Egg and kill everythin as fast as possible. Use the blood from snakes to put out the four fires. And then... well.. just kill the boss : ). It is endurance fight so be prepared for that...
2.5) The Lost Tablets of Mosh'aru (lvl 46)
2.6) The Final Tablets (Dungeon) (lvl 47)
2.7) Confront Yeh'kinya (Raid) (lvl 54)
2.8) The Hand of Rastakhan (Raid) (lvl 54)

3) Secret of the Circle (Dungeon)
3.1) The Sunken Temple
Horde begins from Witch Doctor Uzer'i in Feralas. Alliance begins from Angelas Moonbreeze in Feathermoon Stronghold (Feralas).
You must find Marvon Rivetseeker in Tanaris. Easy to find him, he is located near Broken Pillars in Tanaris (52,46).
3.2) The Stone Circle
This one pretty easy too... Just travel to Ratchet and retrieve the stone from a little chest located in front of one tent (62,38). Just get the stone and head back to Marvon. After you will give him the stone, he will give you Secret of the Circle and Into the Depths.
3.3) Secret of the Circle (Dungeon) (lvl 46)
When you first enter the instance, there are four direction to take.
1.I recommend to take the rightmost path down the stairwell and clear out the enemies in the pit. It will make it easeier for you after you activate the statues and mini boos spawns there.
2.Go back and take second path from the right.
3.When you come to the stairwells, take the stairwell down. You will be in a circle area where the balconies are.
4.Activate the statues in a correct order:
a) South
b) North
c) Southwest
d) Southeast
e) Northwest
f) Northeast
A lvl 50 mini boss will spawn in a pit below you (pit you already cleared). Jump down and kill him.
5.Click on a giant snake statue in the middle to complete the quest and collect three rewards.

4)Into the Depths (Dungeon) (lvl 46)
This quest is given to you by Marvon Rivetseeker in Tanaris.
You complete this q along with C.3.3) Secret of the Circle, so there is really nothing more to say : )

5)The Essence of Eranikus (lvl 48)
You will get this quest inside the instance after you have killed Avatar of Hakkar.
In order to complete this quest you have to combine Oathstone of Ysera's Dragonflight and Chained Essence of Eranikus. The Chained Essence will be lost after that so I did not finish this quest and kept the trinket... Thi short chain of quests ends in Winterespring, you will get some experience but I do not think that it is that worthed.

D) Quests DRUIDA:

1) A Better Ingredient (Dungeon)
1.1)Torwa Pathfinder (lvl 50)
La da cualquier entrenador de druida.
Hay que hablar con Torwa Pathfinder en Un'Goro Crater.
1.2)Bloodpetal Poison (lvl 50)
La da Torwa Pathfinder en Un'Goro Crater.
Hay que conseguir 8 Gorishi Sting, drop de los bichos Gorishi en la zona sur del mapa y 8 Bloodcap de los Bloodpetal Sprout.
1.3)Toxic Test (Group) (lvl 50)
Hay que clavarle el dardo a un Devilsaur.
1.4)A Better Ingredient (Dungeon) (lvl 50)
Hay que conseguir Putrid Vine, drop de Atal'alarion en Suken Temple, el boss que aparece después de activar las estatuas en el orden adecuado.